About Author

Dr. Lourdes Aragon (Endocrinologist)

Dr. Lourdes Aragon - Endocrinologist

Dr. Lourdes Aragon is a highly respected endocrinologist with over 20 years of experience specializing in diabetes care. Based in Manila, Philippines, she completed her medical degree at the University of the Philippines College of Medicine and pursued her residency in Internal Medicine, followed by a fellowship in Endocrinology at the Philippine General Hospital.

Throughout her illustrious career, Dr. Aragon has dedicated herself to providing comprehensive care for patients with diabetes, continuously updating her knowledge to stay at the forefront of medical advancements in her field. She has been a key advocate for diabetes awareness and education in the Philippines, working tirelessly to improve access to quality care for underserved populations.

In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Aragon has been an active member of various medical societies, including the Philippine Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, where she has held leadership positions and contributed to numerous research publications. Her extensive experience and passion for patient education make her a trusted voice in the field of diabetes care.

Dr. Aragon’s commitment to empowering patients through education aligns perfectly with the mission of our website, and we are thrilled to have her on board as a contributor. Her wealth of knowledge and practical insights will undoubtedly enhance the quality of our content, providing our readers with accurate, up-to-date, and relatable information to manage their diabetes effectively.

With Dr. Aragon’s expertise, our website is poised to become a leading resource for diabetes care in the Philippines, helping thousands of individuals navigate their journey with diabetes with confidence and support.